Tory Gets Tied

Tory Gets Tied

Tory and her new roommate couldn’t be more different. She was short, blonde, and conservative, from Iowa. Amara was tall, Black, liberal, and very British. Not to mention rich. Her sophistication intimidates Tory, who is desperate not to seem like a hick by comparison. But Amara’s liberal attitudes about nudity and sex have her blushing a lot. And when the sleek, beautiful British girl sets out to seduce her Tory decides to broaden her horizons and give in.

Amara’s idea of a relationship puts herself in charge, of course. And her skill and experience soon have Tory filled with passion and willing to give in to just about anything she wanted. And what Amara wanted was an edgy little game of bondage and domination, where Tory was her submissive little slave girl for her and her friends to play with. Tory isn’t used to being anyone’s toy, but the passion, excitement, and pleasure Amara gives her are too intense to resist.

Auteur | Jj Argus
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie |

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