Auschwitz-prozess 4 ks 2/63

Auschwitz-prozess 4 ks 2/63

Im auftrag des Fritz Bauer Institutes herausgegeben von Irmtrud Wojak und Erno Vroonen.n1963 wurde mit dem Franfurter Auschwitz-Prozess gegen 22 SS-verbrecher in Frankfurt am Main der bis dahin gr?sste Schwurgerichtsprozess der bundesdeutschen Justizgeschichte er?ffnet. Niemals zuvor haben so viele ?berlebende (211 Personen) des zentralen Vernichtungslagers eingehender die Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit von Auschwitz bezeugen k?nnen, wurde ein so authentisches Bild der nationalsozialistischen Judenverfolgung der Welt vor Augen gef?hrt. nn'When the exhibition about the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial opens today in the historic Haus Gallus, it is not just Germany's crimes against humanity which are being remembered once again. That would be a misunderstanding of colossal proportions, robbing the visitor of a great opportunity. There is no hypertrophied symbolism on offer here, which, in the past, has managed to accomplish the very opposite of what it set out to achieve. Nor is there a purely historical approach which might create a security buffer between the events themselves. The exhibition on the Auschwitz Trial, dealing with the early years of the Republic and its National Socialist past, is one of the best to have emerged in recent years. It creates [.] one of the rare and moving moments in which the Federal Republic has the opportunity to turn around and take a look at its own history squarely in the face. At last the Federal Republic would seem to have arrived at its political and moral justification and discovered itself [.] This excellent 800 page catalogue [is] a monument to the survivors of Auschwitz and the investigating public prosecutors.' Michael Jeismann, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 27 March 2004nnThe exhibition will be held from October until December in the Gropiusbau in Berlin.

Auteur |
Taal | Engels
Type | Paperback
Categorie | Geschiedenis

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