MARCO POLO Regionalkarte Algarve, Portugal Süd 1:200.000
Let the Marco Polo map of the Algarve guide you around this beautiful region of Portugal. Highly durable, this detailed, touring map of the Algarve folds away easily and is always on standby to help when you're stuck. Ideal for planning your trip before you go and for exploring while you’re there. The map also features top sights not to be missed.
Marco Polo Algarve Map - the ideal map for your trip
Let the Marco Polo Algarve Road Map guide you around this beautiful southern region of Portugal. Discover heavenly beaches and picturesque mountain villages with this highly durable, detailed, touring map of Algarve. It folds away easily and is always on standby to help when you're stuck.
- Perfect touring map - the scale is 1:200 000* ideal to help you tour the region by car or campervan
- Easy to use - the super clear mapping in strong colours and clear text will help you navigate the country like a local
- includes 4 city maps - detailed street maps of 4 key cities are also included
- Algarve highlights - major sights and key points of interest are marked on the map by numbered stars and these are listed in the index booklet with a brief description to help you pick the best places to see en route
- Extensive index - the thorough index is fully cross-referenced to the map to help you pinpoint your destination quickly.
For the big trips and the little detours, trust Marco Polo's clear mapping and thorough index to guide you around the Algarve.
*(1:200 000 / 1cm = 2km / 1inch = 3.2 miles)
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