Life Drawing

Life Drawing

Life drawing is a passionate and rewarding pursuit, which inspires a wide range of styles from photographic to abstract. This practical book, packed with images and enjoyable exercises, is designed for the beginner or untutored group and the more experienced artist or teacher. It encoruages students to overcome their fears and expand their mark-making vocabulary. Covers: how to achieve accurate proportions; using line and tone; an awareness of body structure; experimenting with different tools, marks and textures; developing a personal style. Both a troubleshooting handbook and reference work, Life Drawing celebrates the individuality of the artist and the model, and is essential reading for anyone drawing the human figure.

Auteur | Bridget Woods
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie | Kunst & Fotografie

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Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9786050373356
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781310627361
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781785000287
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781785004186

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