Zombicide - Do or Die

Zombicide - Do or Die

Zombies, cannibalistic swamp-dwellers, and undead alligators munch on anything that moves in this action-soaked gorefest from the popular Zombicide boardgame

Being undead isn’t anything new for Westlake – former thief and deteriorating Zombivor – until he realizes there’s not enough formaldehyde in the world to keep him together. He decides to embark on one last mission into the zombie apocalypse to find a long-lost drug cartel cache which will set his friends up for life. The hitch? It’s in Florida. By the time they land in the Everglades, not only is the wildlife a lot wilder and more murderous than usual, but a hurricane looms on the horizon, ready to wipe them from the face of the earth. For Westlake, there is no other choice but to DO OR DIE.

Auteur | Josh Reynolds
Taal | Engels
Type | Ebook
Categorie | Fantasy & Sciencefiction

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