The Leader's 2nd Training

The Leader's 2nd Training

In "The Leader’s 2nd Training," Mindell introduces tested 2nd Training Inner Work, Bodywork, Relationship, and Large Group methods for personal, group, and world conflicts. Two key ideas are that everyone is needed as a 2nd Training leader to facilitate conflicts worldwide, and that 2nd Trainings are based on a Big TOE (Big Theory Of Everything).

1st Trainings in Leadership should include, at the minimum, diversity awareness, group process skills, business leadership concepts, and conflict methods. Such cognitive trainings, while very much needed, are not enough to help our planet’s worst social and environmental problems. Therefore, this book introduces 2nd Training methods to enable all 1st Trainings to work better.

2nd Trainings help people to become effective leaders by increasing their awareness and ability to FLOW—and be creative and powerful during conflict! 2nd Trainings reduce tension, and thus create solutions and friendships.

Thanks to physicist Stephen Hawking and others, the TOE intends to unify the immense spaces of Relativity and tiny spaces of the Quantum world. Mindell now suggests a Big TOE, which includes not only Physics, but also Psychology, Spiritual experience, and Social awareness.

Mindell’s 2nd Training methods have been widely tested around the world, with thousands of people and dozens of organizations, including the U.N. and government leaders.

About the Author

Arnold Mindell, PhD, author of 22 books, is founder of Process-Oriented Psychology used by therapists, medical helpers, businesses, and community and government leaders worldwide. He holds an MS in Physics from M.I.T., and a PhD in Psychology. Prior to developing Process-Oriented Psychology in the late 1970s, he worked as a research scientist, and was a Jungian Training Analyst. He often works together with his wife, Dr. Amy Mindell, a Processwork co-creator, teacher, and artist.

Auteur | Arnold Mindell
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie | Psychologie

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Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781642374438
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