Starving to Heal in Siberia

Starving to Heal in Siberia

There is hope for recovery from Lyme disease and other chronic illness. In Starving to Heal in Siberia, Dr. Michelle Slater takes readers on her journey from her bed, where she was sidelined much of the time, to Siberia, where she was cured of the debilitating effects of advanced Lyme disease. After a years-long struggle with extreme chronic fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, and other mysterious symptoms that ultimately prevented her from teaching and doing simple tasks like reading and driving, Michelle began considering assisted suicide. She had tried every known treatment, from aggressive allopathic treatments to holistic remedies, without success. In a last-ditch effort to save her life, she found a radical alternative treatment offered by the world's leading expert on dry fasting and traveled to Siberia to give it a chance. Starving to Heal in Siberia is both a moving and insightful memoir of recovery from devastating chronic illness and a practical guide to the science and psychology behind safely dry fasting. It offers useful information for anyone who is curious about intermittent fasting and the research on dry fasting. It also offers hope to doctors who have had to tell their patients to adjust to the chronic symptoms of an autoimmune disorder that didn't dissipate under their best care. And for readers with chronic illness and those who love them, this book is an antidote to despair. Michelle's thoughtful account of her wellness journey provides similarly afflicted readers with the tools and encouragement to begin their own.

Auteur | Michelle B Slater
Taal | Engels
Type | Hardcover
Categorie |

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Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9798985187403
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9789464497502
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9780062896285
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9789020211450
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9780970869647

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