Lover of Thorns and Holy Gods

Lover of Thorns and Holy Gods

A trilogy of short stories from the worlds of Master of Crows, Entreat Me and Radiance.

STRONG BLOOD (3,504 words) – Ballard de Sauveterre from ENTREAT ME crosses time to share a drink with Silhara of Neith from MASTER OF CROWS and discovers a connection that spans generations.

CROW AWAKENED (2,975 words) – A short follow-up to THE BRUSH OF BLACK WINGS in which a terrified Silhara finally learns why his beloved wife Martise is fading before his eyes.

A MATTER OF TRUST (5,336 words) – A cultural divide is resolved in the most delightful way between Brishen and Ildiko Khaskem. Takes place after RADIANCE and before EIDOLON.

Auteur | Grace Draven
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie | Literatuur & Romans

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Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781533754707
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781310532313
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781386473565
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781101569047
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781949524253
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781386439479

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