Wolf Mountain Werewolf Sex 4 - The Wolf Mountain Werewolf Sex Trilogy

Wolf Mountain Werewolf Sex 4 - The Wolf Mountain Werewolf Sex Trilogy

The Wolf Mountain Trilogy is a collection of three werewolf sex stories from bestselling erotic writer Aya Fukunishi.

This volume contains:

Thrown to the Wolves

Sating the Wolves

Submitting to the Wolves


The wolf came at the same time, and suddenly the full power of the man looming over her became clear. Aylen felt the jet of his hot cum gush into her as her pussy spasmed and clenched around his shaft. Over her shoulder she saw the werewolf arch his back, his impossibly muscular body flexing as he threw his head back and howled into the night.

The noise carried, echoing through the cave and drowning out Aylen's own cries of pleasure. Far in the distance came an answering call, then another. The mountainside erupted as the pack replied as one.

Aylen felt the wolf withdraw from her, his long, thick cock drawing out for what felt like an eternity. Aylen expected him to lay down, but he gently batted her aside and straddled the now sedentary wolf girl. Aylen had forgotten she was even there, but the alpha hadn't. The wolf girl whimpered with pleasure as the alpha dipped his still erect penis into her pussy, forcing her tight lips to stretch to accommodate him. She gasped as his full length pushed into her, and then closed her eyes, panting heavily with an open mouth as he began to thrust his hips against hers.

Aylen turned her attention to Emily. The white girl's eyes were locked on Aylen's dark, slender body as she feverishly stroked her pussy. Aylen watched with hungry eyes, savouring the sweet scent of Emily's juices. She saw that the girl's skin glistened with sweat despite the cold, and knew that nothing would make her happier than to lick every drop from her perfect body.

Auteur | Aya Fukunishi
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie | Literatuur & Romans

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Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781386991625
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 1230002176185
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 1230003903520
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781501442506
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9780349416809
Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781393607878

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