Acupuncture Points For Beginners
To the people who say that acupuncture is made up of needles, pain, and "weird alternative medicine," you're either totally uninformed about the history of medicinal treatment or you're completely misinformed.
For over 5,000 years, acupuncturists have helped with a wide range of issues, including treating lower back pain, sleep problems, and migraines. Acupuncture has also helped people with weight loss, quitting smoking, and dealing with stress. People who use acupuncture are pleased to find that it is safe, painless, and makes them feel better.
When modern medicine fails to relieve your illness, it's time you began researching alternative forms of treatment, such as acupuncture. Acupuncture Points For Beginners can help you to feel secure and comfortable, as well as helping you learn more about your health.
Acupuncture has numerous typres and you should pick the type that is most comfortable for you. Understanding the differences between types and selecting the appropriate one for you is addressed in this book.
This book will help you understand:
- The Origins And Original Practices Of Acupuncture!
- How Acupuncture Fits Into Modern Scientific Methods Of Treatment!
- The Physiology Of Acupuncture And How It Can Bring You Relief!
- Which Type Of Acupuncture Is Right For You!
- If Acupuncture Can Cure What Ails You!
Auteur | | Ruth Glover |
Taal | | Engels |
Type | | E-book |
Categorie | |