Feminized by the Boss (Complete Series): Complete Humiliation and Transformation into a Sissy

Feminized by the Boss (Complete Series): Complete Humiliation and Transformation into a Sissy

When Charles is passed for the promotion to Vice President, the much younger woman that takes the job catches him off guard during a work party, where he exposes himself to her and other coworkers. In an attempt to avoid getting fired, he agrees to become her sissy, wear a chastity belt, dress in women’s clothing, shave himself, and be humiliated through and through. As his feminization continues, he struggles with the question of his sexuality and desires all while trying to hide his new secret from his wife.

Auteur | J.S. Lee
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie | Literatuur & Romans

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Boekomslag voor ISBN: 9781370581405
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