Doctor's Demands: The Complete Series (First Time Gay Medical Exam and Aphrodisiac Menage)

Doctor's Demands: The Complete Series (First Time Gay Medical Exam and Aphrodisiac Menage)

Medical student Josh Daniels never imagined that an internship in in Dr. Lowe's lab would put him at the center of the famous researcher's medical experiments. But when the doctor needs a young straight man for his intense pleasure therapy and sexual behavior modification testing, Josh is soon ready to do anything to fulfill the doctor's expectations.

Reader Advisory: This story is for mature audiences only and features intensely erotic situations, first time gay experiences, the use of a potent aphrodisiac, multiple partners and rough group sex, a highly erotic medical examination, anal sex, a dominant older man and the increasingly submissive, receptive young subject of his experiments. All characters are 18 or older.

Doctor's Demands: The Complete Series follows Josh's transformation into a willing sex toy over the course of the three part series: The Doctor's Demands, The Doctor's Boytoy, and The Doctor's Horny Experiment, now combined in a single volume.

I frowned at the tabletop. Behavior modification? The idea seemed so invasive and frightening, and what exactly was I being modified to become? He had mentioned a sexual aspect of things. What could these two men do that would give me a better sex life?

"I'm straight," I blurted. But immediately I flushed again. Why had I said that? It seemed like I needed to say it, but he hadn't implied anything.

Dr. Lowe smiled a little in amusement. "That’s good, Josh. That was among our criteria. It was clear to me in the elevator that you fit the profile we're looking for."

I looked at him, not understanding his words. I wanted to object. I wanted to be put off by this sudden and unexpected request.

But looking at him I couldn't help but feel the warm glow of relevance and security. He could do anything, accomplish anything, and here he was trying to make me a part of it. And if I said no, what was left for me? That would be it. I'd never be here again, and more than anything I couldn't stand the thought of being sent away from this place where my future seemed attainable instead of some distant dream.

"Obviously it'll be an intense and demanding experience for you," he said, reading my unspoken reluctance. "No one will stop you if you try to walk out that door."

I looked up at him, into his eyes, trying to read him. There was a slight intensity I hadn't seen there before, and for a moment I doubted what he had said. He would try to stop me, I thought. He wants me to be a part of this. He thinks I'd be good for it, or he wouldn't have gone to the trouble he already has.

And maybe it was that more than anything that put me over the edge. I only knew him by what I read about him and heard about him from a distance, but I had already almost forgotten already. It felt like he was a presence I had always known and wanted to make happy, a distant figure of natural authority and competence that alters and moves the world without really trying to. After only a few words I already felt a compulsion, a need even, to make him happy with me.

I should have asked more questions, learned more about what he was asking, but without even meaning too I had already made a decision, so what was the point? All it would do was imply that I was doing it for me and not for him.

Notice: This title includes themes and passages that have been adapted from Jessica Whitethread's Bimbo Therapy Series with full consent of the original author.

Auteur | S M Partlowe
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie | Literatuur & Romans

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