The Submission Of The Serving Girl

The Submission Of The Serving Girl

All her life she has been told to obey. But no one has ever asked her to do the sinful, dirty things that his Lordship now demands.

Yes, what her Lord demands of her is frightening, and yes, perhaps it does hurt. But there is pleasure too in her submission, and the satisfaction of knowing that when it is all over, her Master is pleased with her obedience and surrender.

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

“Yes, your Lordship. Is there something I can do for you, My Lord, if not, I’ll best be getting below stairs, Mrs Porter won’t be thanking me for dawdling.” Lordy, I could hear the tremor in my voice, it quivered and quavered like a warbling bird announcing its morning call.

“Be in the Library, twenty minutes, and clean yourself up.” He’d closed the distance and in doing so induced me to look up; at well over six feet, he towered over me. His finger tapped the end of my nose “Soot.” He said, just prior to turning away and disappearing out of sight.

Just under twenty minutes later I was scrubbed, brushed, fluffed, anxious, and stood at Lord Rothewell’s desk in the library. He knew of my presence, had allowed me entry, yet not looked up since; the scratch of pen on paper, a clock ticking, and the occasional creak of leather could be heard while he worked. I studied the top of his head, jet black hair, thick and curly connected with long side-burns decorating his strong jawline; ruggedly handsome with a broad nose and full lips, Lady Rothewell was a lucky woman indeed.

Auteur | Anna Austin
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie | Literatuur & Romans

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