My life in pictures

My life in pictures

The legend of Charlie Chaplin was born sixty years ago when the figure of the Tramp emerged from an impromptu moment in an obscure Hollywood studio. Through the new medium of the cinema, this comic genius rose to international fame and unparalleled popularity. Both artistically and materially, his extraordinary career is among the greatest success stories of all time, yet he had to endure undeserved persecution while at the height of his fame, before finding perfect happiness in his last marriage.
Mr Chaplin gave an unforgettable account of this romantic cycle in his bestselling My Autobiography, but there he concentrated more on his personal life than on the films which brought him renown.
In this new book he fills in some of the gaps, presenting his material in a suitably pictorial form through an exciting collection of photographs, many of them from the Chaplin family archives and never published before. Together with his commentary, they document in vivid detail the drama ot his life and the artistic achievement of his work.

Auteur | Charles Chaplin
Taal | Engels
Type | Hardcover
Categorie |

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