The Carter Brothers 3 - Thirst Trap

The Carter Brothers 3 - Thirst Trap

Toxic: very harmful or unpleasant in an invasive or sinister way.

One word. Two consonants. Five letters. Two people.

Quinn James Carter met Solei Shayne Rodriguez his senior year of high school.

At first, he tried to stay away from her. But the heart wants what the heart wants, and if there were two people in this world who were meant to be together, it was Shayne and him.

Sadly, life doesn’t work out like you plan.

A single, brash, knee-jerk reaction has them both deciding that their relationship is never going to work. A cop and a notorious criminal’s sister can’t have a happily ever after, can they?

Consequently, they go their separate ways.

They live their lives.

And time after time, they come right back to each other, giving the term ‘toxic relationship’ a new meaning.

Anger, jealousy, hurt, and pain run hand in hand with their persistent need to stay in each other’s lives, no matter if it’s in a healthy way or not.

But eventually, time catches up to them.

Fate decides their path for them, and one of them has to wind up nearly dead for them to admit that they can make it work if they want to. They only have to try.

Auteur | Lani Lynn Vale
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie |

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