Being An Adult Baby

Being An Adult Baby

Being an Adult Baby can be both a wonderful experience and deeply frustrating one. We want what we cannot have and we often find controlling this drive a difficulty. This book is a collection of 31 essays, articles and stories from a handful of ABDL authors whose knowledge and experience helps us all.

If you wear nappies/diapers a little, a lot or constantly, this book can be a guide. If you want to be a baby a little, a lot or constantly, it can help you understand more about it.

And for all of us, this book offers not just understanding, but some practical tips and helps on living life as an Adult Baby. We all know it can be a hard deal at times, but at others, we are blessed we reliving infancy while the rest of the world is blissfully ignorant of the wonders of babyhood.

We are very special and we are very different and so, we need our own guide books to help us on the way. This is one such book.

Auteur | Rosalie Bent
Taal | Engels
Type | E-book
Categorie |

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